Wednesday, April 29, 2009

getting connected..


few days ago, a fren from usm, roy, contacted me as he was in kk 4 a work deal. n infact, it was a deal wit n archi's firm, where my another long-time fren, rennie worked. what a really coincidence..

roy said his wife, dona, who was also my usm fren, was almost 5 months pregnant. juz d same wit me. n roy sms me 2day 4 dona's blog www.oranodes.blogspot. it's goold 2 get connected wit old frens. since i hav only hav few frens left from smesh, kik n usm, i mean 4 true frens.

n after having School's Sports Day on Thursday. i also get 2 know my cholics better. d 1 wit good or bad attitude. really shown their true colours.. it was fun 2 cheer 4 d students. n my Rumah Kuning won d day! d pic is me wit my fellow student from Rumah Kuning;)


  1. we will stay connected ok, no matter how far distance seperates us. Btw, cute la gambar cikgu and the kids. :) They must be happy to have you as their teacher. Back then I always x suka cikgu garang. Kalu cikgu mcm Noe mesti best!

  2. haha..manada dona. cikgu garang jgk ni d school. tp bdak2 x tkut pun. coz of my tiny body mayb ;P. best ajar 'living skills' (kemahiran hidup) ni. bdak2 interested learn new things. ada jgk skecth, drawing, design ckit2. ada project jg, but small n simple 1 la. aras bdak2 7-12 yrs kan. relax ckit jumpa client under age ni. hehe. tp kna byk sbr la. work load byk la. yg best keja half day n cuti skolah ;))

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  4. Noe, Kalau kau pun pakai baju kuning menti aku xbleh nak carik kau hehe :P
