done lots shopping this month, well it's my truly hobby.. haha😅
went to likas' servay hypermarker for few times since nadira took globalart lesson @ likas. bought deedik's (our cat) food here too.
also bought these beautiful headbands after few trips doing window shopping here😁
on the 18th went to centre point sabah for a facial treatment @ yin tin herbaline but they're actually close on thursday. so went to popular to buy some stationaries & a coloring book for nadira.
a very thick 256 pages of colouring book for just rm16.80 😊
another buying of shampoo from bodyshop. ginger shampoo for dandruff problem. also bought feet scrub & green eyeshadow. got 50% for 1 item since it was my birthday month. i'd used it for the eyeshadow (suppose to be rm63) which cost only rm31.50. also got 20% for other purchase.
also bought this instant shawl from tamma for just rm35. bought 12 brooches for rm10 too.
last but not least, bought levi's jeans after so long😁
demi curve mid rise skinny for rm304. bought this 1 cause the jeans cloth was a bit thicker than the other 1 i've tried.
"liquid shaping technology - shapes, hold & still stay soft"
yup, the levi's jeans nowadays were quite soft & not hard as old time. as i've remembered, the last time i'd bought levi's jeans during 1st year of marriage (which will be the 6th this year) ☺️
then went to karamunsing complex for facial treatment. got a rm157 treatment (didn't take the spatula as usual, but trying the vacuum which is good after so-long-skipped-treatment). the last treatment i had was in april.
also bought the aloe vera gel for rm63. really loved the scent.
on the 19th, we went to 1Borneo Hypermall. just to check out H&M, which newly opened in november.
bought nadira's & arissa's @ H&M, just to match both of other garments 😁
got this beautiful flat pump shoes from vincci for just rm55.30. the actual price was rm79.90. used my 30% member's birthday month voucher☺️
new nuk bottles & teats for arissa from guardian pharmacy 🍼
bought all of these @ daiso for just rm30 as rm5 for each item ( 2 miniature collection case, bubble refill, bubble stick, set of golf sticks & balls also the bath chair )⛳️
we also had a chance to have a joyful ride. the train runs during christmas celebration.
the ticket : rm5 per person, but not for little toddlers 😉

nadira & arissa were so excited during the train ride 😄👭🚂
we also went to jakel alamesra before heading home. my maid wanted to buy clothes for making a kebaya dress. while i'd bought cloth to make nadira black pants.
arissa's being so friendly with the jakel's staff😁
hubby went to kk from labuan (yup he was working during our stay in kk) on the 21st. so i've asked him to buy me a perfume. wanted to have the flora by gucci (gorgeous gardenia) but the medium bottle size wasn't available. so he got me this :
flora by gucci😘 rm243 for 50ml bottle☺️
we went home to labuan on the 23rd. before that had the chance for toilettries shopping @ mothercare, suria sabah on the 22nd. so on the 24th, continue the shopping in labuan😅
nadira's nike bagpack rm99.90 from sportmart. was looking for adidas toddler's bagpack, but only minnie mouse white was available @ the moment.
also bought this rm139.90 adidas climalite prime pants (short length) for me. so both just for rm39.80.. hehe.. we'd used hubby's rm200 sportmart voucher from PML 😅 it was really hard for me to buy a ready-made pants, a XS size was really hard to find and pants that really suit me😁
had bought sunglasses for hubby since he had red-eye (it started with nadira then arissa, and now dear hubby😅), but he wanted me to return it and replace with a new 1 that suits me.
so i'd chose this, levi's cat-eyes for rm350 (the retail price was rm438)😎
done lots of groceries and the kids stuff shopping. lots of bills to be paid too by both hubby & I. 2 car monthly payment sesb, tax, indah water, car summon 😜 o ya, not forgetting renewing the maid's visa for rm610 (it was rm495 only last year). surely all prices will be hiking up for this coming 2015.
o ya, bought this bag earlier last month through groupon and supposed to be arrived during early december. it had arrived on the 22nd. doesn't matter, as long as it was too adorable to have😍
longchamp le pliage for rm255 (adding another rm22 for postage to labuan)😊
for january-april 2015, need to do shopping for arissa & my dresses for my cousin, Dayana's wedding. my mom already took charge for nadira's dresses (white/brown & pink jubah dresses). o ya, still wanting to buy sk2's FTE.. maybe just through
for the 13"-macbook pro with retina display, had to postpone it. have to wait for another 2-3months😅 macborneo, karamunsing also didn't have it in stock @ the moment😁 can buy it any mac reseller, but had known a staff in macbook, as i need to install some installer such as words, vectorworks & sketch-up.
looking forward for another good bargain in 2015, though things will get a little pricey. also planning for KL 2015 trip, surely will have great stuff with great price there. not forgetting lots of choice of good stuff.. but we'll see😁