2day is nadira's 6 month or 1/2 yr.. hehe.. hubby's planning 2 b home by 24th march. but i want him 2 b back from 8th to 19th april, since my dad will b gone 2 umrah ( 8th-17th april ). want 2 do shopping 4 nadira. bring her 2 suria sabah ( metrojaya, etc ). never been there up til now.
thinking of having family potraiture also dis coming april, if hubby's home la. kind of preparing 4 nadira's 1st yr old photobook. now trying 2 collect lots of her cutest pics. oh no! my wedding photobook also haven't finished yet by my bro. wonder what's taking him so long 2 make it 30 pages. well, mayb since got thousands of my wedding's pics. hehe.. will start selecting nadira's best pic 2 b put in d photobook. dis time, i'm doing it myself. want it 2 b special 4 my precious nadira;)).
bout nadira. mm.. she always put things in her mouth, face towel, blanket, fingers.. her feet 2.. huhu.. she doesn't like 2 lie down on her tummy. like sitting n standing a lot ( both wit support ). i think mayb she'll skip d crawling stage. huhu.. others? well.. she'd begun wit turning head right to left, left to right. clapping 1 hand 2 her thigh when singing, shake her rattle toys n also will get angry when tired for being lying down - meaning she wants 2 b carry either by sitting or standing. huhu..
juz got d chance 2 uplod my family photo ( taken in december las yr ).d potraiture session being held @ my bro's studio. juz 2 update d new family members 2 d existing family photo on d wall.. ;))