yuppie yup.. so very bz dis april.. organizing handball championship since early april.. n now continuing bringing d kk handball team for d west coast handball championship on 27 n 28th.. i was only d secretary 4 d 1st championship but then i had 2 continue with it.. i'm doing things that i've been forced to do.. really hate it.. n dis involving teachers from other school as coach, team manager.. n they'r so fussy.. actaully i'm only responsible doing d appointment letter. not deciding when's d training, making sure d team's members documents r complete, bla3x.. WTH.. really pissed of with their bad attitude..
poor nadira.. her mama straightly bz from february, march n now april.. alhamdulillah, my loan was finally approved. now d lawyer is settling d deposit document so that, d govt treasury will give d money to d house developer.. hopefully everything regarding d house matters will b settled by dis yr.. can't wait to have my own house..
about transferring.. d deadline is on d 22nd of april.. hopefully i can make it dis time.. amin..
o ya.. nadira's being such a big rite now..

playing by herself, talking to d phone, eating as playing with her cooking toys, playing hide n seek- n she's hardly to b caught as she'll run, doing dis 1 style when ppl's taking her pic..

showing her teeth.. haha..
n whenever i bring her to shopping, she'll b bz too.. touching n showing all d things in d supermarket, boutique, etc.. hoho..
n dis r few pics of her during d month.. n she'll b 19 months nexwik;P

went to suria few weeks back.. nadira was so happy..

n we did had our lunch @ suria's secret recipe fe weeks back.. nadira luv'd their fries;)

but d most of all.. nadira really luvs water fountain a lot;)) venue @ kwsp building

finally met a cute minnie mouse soft toy, so i bought for nadira;)

got nadira new garments..
all of today's pic, 17.4.2011, she luvs going to shop;P