nadira had her fever last thursday 'til dis morning.. really stressed-out caring 4 her, as i was alone.. dun know y feeling only me doing d parenting now (will share 'bout dis some other time). having nausea, dizzyness n not 4getting d morning sick made me d stress i've mentioned b4.. yes.. nadira's lil 'adik' is in d making.. haha.. i've been 3 wks pregnant now.. ;)) d doctor ask 2 do d scan only after 4-6wks of pregnancy, so will update 'bout it later..

nadira will b a big sister soon.. though she's a bit fussy n 'manja' now, but she's starting to luv having other toddler companion. as my sis-in-law n her family was around recently, nadira luv'd 2 play with her cousins 'kakak' nuril n baby ayip.
now, i really lost my appetite. hardly to swallow food esp rice.. juz eating lots of biscuits, fruits n drinking milo. will start 2 take d milk soon.
hopefully everything will b ok soon.. will b so much tougher 4 dis coming fasting month.. with preggie, nadira n my work as a teacher, mom n a wife.. hope i can stand all of dis, insyaAllah;))
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Location:tmn mutiara, ft labuan.