i've started my cooking ;p yup, just started n improving d taste;) ayam masak kicap, masak merah, masak kari mamak, mee hailam, nasi tomato. all cooked well except 4 d nasi tomato. haha;p
well, i'll do more cooking in d future. 4 now, with d limited kitchen appliance, still doing d simple cooking.
o ya.. below r latest pic of my lil' angel.. being so talk-active nowadays.. n she knows already how 2 'merajuk'.. haha.. run into d bedroom or kitchen, lay on d floor or knock her head @ d wall.. huhu.. thankfully she's not doing it all d time:p

about my pregnancy.. still haven't connected to him yet. well, it's still early.. juz 3 months. n guess wat, i haven't sign in @ d govt clinic yet. juz went 2 private clinic 4 scanning him n taking d blood test..alhamdulillah he's healthy inside my belly;))
hope everything will b okay.. oo ya.. happy fasting to all! n not forgetting eidul fitri is juz around d corner.. 15 days left ;p n i'm not prepared yet.. huhu..
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