o ya, on d 16th, i was sent to ER @ labuan hospital by my cholics since my nearly 'pengsan' n hardly breath. it was bcoz of my really low BP, 85/51.. huhu.. had 2 b added wit 2 bottle of glucose drip.. my 2nd time 2 d ER, d 1st time was @ d QEH 4 d allergic reaction 2 a vomit medicine, maxolon.. 1 case over 1000 ppl, d doc said.. haha..
was very bz dis month completing work @ school, dis n dat 4 d new home n a bit stress 4 d coming-soon baby.. but alhamdulillah both me n d baby r ok during d appointment wit dr. felice. which i'd managed 2 shop again 4 d baby during waiting 4 d doc..

multi purpose nursing pillow;)) luv'd it.. n nadira also likes 2 play wit it ;p
hope we can move 2 our new home by nexwik.. luckily d school will have 1 week break 4 d CNY ;)).. will also updating about our new hse.. can't wait 4 all d furnitures n home decorations 2 b fixed @ our new home ;))
our renovated main entrance, d existing was 1 panel door only n quite small, 2'-10" opening.. so we changed 2 a wider door panel..

need 2 b furnished, so hubby will take charge on it. no major changes @ other area.. well, spent a lot already 4 d door.. so d porch tiling n rear roofing can't b done anytime sooner, mayb @ d end of d yr or nex yr.. huhu..
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