officially we moved 2 our new house @ 29th jan 2012, n it's my lil' bro, lalan's bday 2..
during d same week, we moved all of our stuff from d rent house slowly. hav 2 wait 4 hubby's nite shift or off-day, so we moved d things during day time. cleaning d house on d 28th, wit d help of mcik shima, my school's cleaner. n on d 29th, used d logistic company service 2 move d rest of our stuff ( d heavy stuff - fridge, cooking cabinet, computer rack, washing machine, books etc ).
dis was d look after few days staying @ our new house :

dining area wit hubby's imac..

living room wit nadira's toys..

d kids playing in d pool @ our porch..
then, on d 1st feb, our casa living n dining sets arrived all d way from kk;)) also we pay extra 2 casa 4 bringing our ikea bed set, cushions dat we bought from kaison, also d sponsored btc's curtain by my mom ( all 5 sets of curtains ). later will
upload d pics, haven't got d chance yet. oo ya, dad also sponsored 2-pcs of carpets 4 our living room;)) bought a week earlier @ fancy carpet, labuan, during their 1 nite stay sending my sis 2 kml ( labuan matriculation college ).
d house haven't complete 4 d electrical wiring n grille installation yet. most probably will b completed by dis week. hubby sent us 2 kk on d 5th 4 my maternity leave n mayb we'll b back 2 lbuan in april. we'll do d house warming soon after dat. as i'm back 2 work on 7th of may.
so, will update all d pics of our house dat time;)) not forgetting our new baby princess, arissa.. insyaAllah she'll b named wit arissa meaning 'bright'.. still searching 4 her 2nd name. must b pretty as her big sis name, alana nadira;))
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