wanna update 'bout our new home, d latest progress n some news about our 'lil family ;))

our backyard, before..

n after.. ;))

dining area, witout flower deco..

wit flower deco, artificial roses all d way from ssf, kl. credit 2 qming, 1 of my childhood fren ( from primary n 2ndary school n frens 'til now ;)) ) who bought them 4 me as requested. hehe.. d roses were so beautiful ( made from clear plastic n looks like crystal ).
then, last weekend, me, nadira n arissa went back 2 kk 2 attend my cousin, lynda's wedding. hubby was working tru d weekend. so juz d 3 of us fly back 2 kk. here some pic 2 share 4 ;))

us @ d lbuan airport..

aunty lynda's solemnization pelamin

nadira pose ;))

@ nite, on d same day, wit aunty lynda b4 her getting married ;))

got d chance 4 shopping d nex day..

got arissa a pair of nuk pacifier. but juz a waste, since they were juz 2 short 4 her.. though they'r 4 0-6 months old user ;((
n on sunday, aunt lynda's wedding reception took place @ wisma wanita's ballroom..

on our way..

my dad, as d bride's family representative, giving his speech..

aunty lynda, d bride ;))

d bride n d groom, hisham, my hockey trainer fren ;))

mama wit d bride n d groom ;)

us.. wit d newly wed couple ;))

wit aunty nurul n aunty girl ;))

mama n arissa wit aunty aima n danish ;))

wit aunt lynda's schoolmate a.k.a. hubby's schoolmate ;p
n we got arissa her new walker on friday. nadira's left @ kk, juz in case arissa will use it there later..

she was so excited wit her walker. she also can grab things now. n as always.. since her 40th day, she's being so playful wit ppl around her ;))
arissa will b 4 months old by nexwik. her weight is catching up nadira's weight during her baby months although arissa was 2.65kg n nadira was 3kg during their birth.

during 2 months, arissa was 4kg n nadira was 4.4kg. @ their 3 months, arissa was 4.5kg n nadira was 4.6kg. nadira's weight progress was a bit slow since she had bronculitis (mild asthma) during her baby-hood. poor kakak.. n she juz luv'd breast milk much more rather than formula milk. alhamdulillah she's hardly sick nowadays ;))
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