so last raya, lots has been done 4 celebrating d syawal ;)) though hubby was not around ;(.. we've been back 2 kk on d 17th aug via flight n going back 2 lbuan on d 25th.

pack 3x ;))

@ labuan airport
raya garments..

mine, only d turquoise hasn't been wore.. hehe.. d other juz recycle;)).. for nadira's n arissa's garment i've been post them earlier..

nadira's bju kurg n dress..
hubby's bju melayu is d same clothes as nadira's.
raya cookies..

all cost rm300++.. ordered homemade biscuits from saniah cakes n cookies, she's my aunt ;))
raya tupperware cookie jars..

raya samsung microwave..

morgan clothes steamer..

raya water purifier - elken ken 2.0

n here r some pics of d raya :

1st day of raya @ kg. papas, membakut (my mom's hometown)

2nd day of raya..
unfortunately nadira's having ulser n i'd flu n sorethroat 4 raya eve n 'til d 2nd day. didn't get d chance 4 raya visit @ all ;'((
both children were also so clingy n preferred only me 2 taking care of them during @ my bapa tua's house, my mom's dad. we've been staying there 4 1 nite only. even my dine n bath time, both of them will cried loudly ;p

after getting back 2 kk, they'd acted much better. since less ppl around. huhu..

during kenduri@feast 4 raya n celebrating my sis, girl, 4 going 2 utm, johor..

returning back 2 kk..
hopefully we'll hav d chance 4 raya visit @ semporna nex yr.. amin ;))
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