had been in kk last month, 5-7th april ;)) very pack n tiring weekend, but alhamdulillah we've got d chance 2 meet our big family.
5.4.13 : after arrived @ kk, went 2 sunny supermarket 2 buy few groceries n arissa/nadira stuff.
6.4.13 : juz d nex day we got d chance 4 window shopping n shopping few new garments esp 4 mr hubby ;)) @ esprit bought myself a blouse, nadira's t-shirt n hubby t-shirt n long pants. also got nadira her adidas shoes wit sox n hubby's jacket @ d vincci's. then went 2 in-law's house in d afternoon. after dat went 2 d cake baker. got arissa's bday cake wit d planning 2 cut d cake. but after arrive @ tmn seri gaya, my mom n dad was getting ready 4 my cousin's kenduri 4 her late husband 40th day. so we'd 2 postpone 4 d cake.
7.4.13 : we cut n eat d cake in d next morning b4 going back 2 lbn in d evening - d ferry was @ 9pm. very packed n exhausting visit d time, but so happy 2 meet our family in kk, n not 4getting 4 d shopping ;))
plan 2 go back 2 kk dis school holiday in may, but need 2 settle lots of work 1st b4 entering d dis yr's 2nd semester of school.
some of our pics of arissa's bday celebration, shopping @ 1-borneo hypermall n @ d in-law's ;))
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago