april was a very busy day 4 me. juggling between class n hurdle training every morning 4 d past 8 wks since march. d msswpl track & field championship was held on 24-27 april, which d 80m hurdle event took place on d 26th. 2 boys n 2 girls of 2 teams under 12 yrs old.
d event was happening since my school was cheering 2 support our track & field team. wit few catchy motivating songs, lyric by some of d teachers ;)).
1 girl of my team juz able 2 get 4th after minor injury of her feet. n only 5th n 7th place 4 both of d boys. hard luck dis time.. but alhamdulillah our school won d championship 4 primary school wit 4 gold, 2 silver n 2 bronze medals ;))
in sha Allah will do d best again nex yr 4 d skbk's sports team.. hockey? no news yet @ d moment. hav 2 settle panitia kh matter 1st, updating n upgrading d filing, inventory, n more stuff.
some pics during d training n d championship ;))