starting last week, nadira begin 2 make sound a lot. her voice was so loud, dis make so cute as she was 'talking' all d way. she also try 2 mirror n imitate wat i'm saying n wat i'm doing wit my face. hehe..
during feeding, sometimes she still stop to see what is going by looking up, down, left n right. but then continue d feeding n back 2 looking around. she still didn't like 2 b fed tru d bottle. she'll close her mouth or she'll throw up wat has gone 2 her mouth. so clever.. haha.. n usually she'll play n laugh during d bottle feeding. i'm still mixing d formula milk feeding during d day. 2-3 times of formula feeding.
now nadira sleeps a lot better @ nite. she will wake up early in d morning 4 or 4.30am as i have 2 get ready 4 both of us. she starts 2 sleep around 4.30-5pm up until 8.30, 10.30 or 12pm @ nite. then have 2 feed n change her diaper. sometimes she'll wake earlier 2.30 or 3am. planning 2 make her sleep from 8pm - 4am in d future.
nadira's getting bigger day by day. she's my little angel, my sunshine.. luv u so much my 'gendut' ;))
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago