me n my cutie pie, alana nadira went 2 labuan on d 13th n went back home 2 kk on d 19th feb 4 visiting my dear hubby.. thanx 2 petronas methanol labuan 4 d yearly free mas air ticket;))

bki-lbu mh3041 0705 was d flight. during d flight, able 2 c kampung air ( Water Village ) from above b2 landing. once arrived my hubby was already waiting @ d arrival gate. i gave nadira 2 my hubby n guess wat? nadira cries out loud. ppl around look @ them n i quickly take our baggage n ran 2 get nadira.
cian my hubby..
these was my list 4 touring labuan :
1. The Chimney and d tunnel (hubby said it was haunted, so got 2 cancel dis 1)
2. Duty-Free Shops
3. Labuan Birds Park
4. World War II Memorial Park
5. Peace Park
6. Labuan Square
7. Surrender Point
8. Botanical Garden
9. Labuan Marine Park
day 1
saw a Chinese Temple near my hubby's apartment area on d way home. it was a tall building. i guess mayb 6-7 floor of height. 2day juz cleaning d house. hubby was already cleaned d bedroom n living room. so i help him clean d kitchen n d bathroom. since nadira's mood was bad, we stay @ home d whole day. hubby went 2 d supermarket n bought some groceries n we cooked 4 lunch n dinner.

day 2
my in-laws family was coming 2 labuan 2 by menumbok ferry. my sis-in-law's family came from tawau so my father-in-law's n my other sis-in-law's joined them 2 labuan. they arrived @ 12.30pm. on d way 2 d town, i saw d An’Nur Jamek Mosque ( wit futuristic design, i still luv architecture though had became a teacher. it was still my passion. dis mosque was built at a cost of US$11 million, i juz knew dis ).
we had our lunch @ kfc, n nadira cried out loud again. she was so
manja n juz 1 me 2 hold her. went 2 d duty free shop 4 chocolate shopping ;)). all of d family including us stayed @ tiara hotel. on d way 2 d hotel, i saw d Labuan Square opposite 2 d post office n lawn bowl arena. hubby said he usually plays lawn bowl during his free time here few years back. i never knew dis.. mm.. i saw World War II Memorial, juz near d hotel.
we stayed @ 1 of d villa ( a bungalow wit 4 bedrooms ). hubby n d children swim @ d pool close 2 d villa. during d nite, had cancel 4 dinner @ anjung ketam since nadira was so fussy. only hubby n sis-in-law family went 4 dinner. hubby
tapau d dinner 4 me. rice, butter cooked lobster n fish dish. nyum2..

day 3
my in-laws took d 8.30am ferry back 2 menumbok n then drive home 2 kk. we rest @ home n went 2 Labuan International Sea Sports Complex during d evening. we visit d labuan marin museum inside d complex. a small place n only few things 2 c.

after dat, went 4 chocolate shopping again. b4 going home, went 2 modern bazaar ( textile shop ) but quickly went in d car since nadira was hungry n i need 2 feed her. then hubby brought us 2 Panchor Hitam and Pantai Manikar juz 2 c d beach side. they are well maintained. clean n complete wit bbq facilities.

day 4
hehe.. shopping again. went 2 d textile shop area @ d morning n bought 3 pairs of
baju kurung clothes 4 me n 1
baju melayu clothes 4 hubby.
kain raya 4 dis year.. wit cream color theme ;)) luckily 2day, nadira starts 2 b nice 2 my hubby. now her abah able 2 hold n play wit her.. yeah ;))
during d evening, we fetch my lil brother @ d ferry terminal. he's coming from kk after d cny holiday. b4 sending him 2 kml ( kolej matrikulasi labuan ), i bought dinner from pizza hut @ Ujana Kewangan Complex.
day 5 n 6

stay @ home since hubby working ( day shift ). watching tv during nadira's nap. tried 2 feed nadira wit cereal n milk, but she didn't like it @ all.
day 7
went back home 2 kk. lbu-kk mh3042 0800. nadira was being good d whole morning;))

juz knew dat Labuan Museum was located near 2 d post office. planning 2 go 2 d Labuan Weekend Tamu ( held every Saturday and Sunday on Jalan OKK Awang Besar ). also d Marine Parks ( Pulau Rusukan Besar, Rusukan Kecil and Pulau Kuraman as reputed to be a world class fishing destination ) since hubby said d fishes here was big. not really like fishing, but i think it worth 2 try ;)). 4 dis visit, juz managed 2 visit few places @ labuan. really 1 2 c hubby's work place. Petronas Methanol Labuan, must b nice 2 c 4 nite view. will visit labuan again, n most prob will transfer working there. will apply 4 transfering in april. if succeed, will tranfer in june ;)). hav 2 sav money 4 transfer expenses. but had 2 find a maid 1st, so dat there's some1 will look after nadira when i'm working.