finally got a free time to do my blogging ;P.. hubby went out to meet his old frens.. n nadira? fall asleep.. hehe..
about dis year raya..
1st syawal:
hubby went to solat raya @ petagas, he went wit his dad. while me n nadira stayed @ atok udin's house (hubby's dad). i got d chance to eat
buras (pulut bugis). last time, i ate it during my uni years, back @ usm. it was long time ago.. hehe.. below r some pics taken on d day..

then we went to my mom's home town @ membakut. we reached there @ 11am. nadira was quite happy to see all her aunts n uncles, also grannies. well she's d 7th great grand child from my mom's family. but there's a lot of babies, since i got lots of baby cousins.. hehe.. we didn't stayed long.. since we'r avoiding driving @ nite n d rain...
2nd syawal :
arrived @ papar around 4pm. ate lots of food.
nasi campur, soto, satay n
laksa.. haha.. got really fulled.. with delicious food.. here nadira was being fussy.. juz want 2 stay wit me.. huhu..
mmg penat raya ni, jln jauh, lyn perangai nadira lg..
3rd syawal:
went to pimping, membakut during d evening.. in d morning, bz doing d laundry, cleaning d house n helped hubby cooked nadira's porridge.. well i'm not into cooking.. so just being a helper.. haha.. will study a lot about cooking when i have my own kitchen.. ;))
my 1st cousin (from my dad's family) was having her '
antat berian' ceremony. d ceremony was being held after zohor, but we only managed arriving there @ 2.30pm.. well need time to rest during d afternoon..
nadira was in d mood too.. playing n eating a lot.. during 4pm we went to my bapa tua's house (my mom's dad). it was traffic jam from beaufort-membakut-benoni-papar highway. so we stayed a while to avoid d jam. juz drove back to kk @ 7pm.
it was tiring 3 days of raya.. huhu..