done few sketches for nadira's party design.

n 1st i did order birthday package items from lepoppydesign.com.. but guess wat? she's terribly bz n got lots of design order. so, i turned to another party package designer, she's miss amie from http://merisikgallery1.blogspot.com here was it:
1) door sign ( welcome board )
2) birthday banner (happy 1st birthday alana nadira)
3) birthday girl hat
4) 12 months photo banner
5) e-invitation card
can't wait to see all d items, she said will do d postage today;)).. as me n hubby we truly excited for d birthday bash, we went shopping yesterday for our garments (to wear during d party).. poyo! haha.. nadira will wear a simple cute pinkish romper, while me n hubby will wear simple nike's white tshirts;))
now d menu of food.. still in discussion wit my mom.. as she'll cook for it. but i'll prepare all d expenses. really would like to eat nasi ayam n soto for d party;).. now juz few things left to b prepared:
1) birthday cake
2) balloons n decos
3) menus of food (main course, deserts, drinks)
can't wait for d party ;D
bestnya....tp mcm c daniel enda dpt join ja tu :( sbb d kg la time tu..apa pun amik gmbr banyak2 ya mama nadira
ReplyDeletewahaha.. ya bh aima.. susah kmi mo gmbr kmi bertiga ni.. nnti ada org bleh d suruh ambil gmbr klu kmpul rmai2 ni;))
ReplyDeleterina, hepi bday utk baby girl ko... hihihi...