luv'd december.. as it was my month of birthday n got few birthday priviledge during shopping, YES was also happening in malaysia. haha..
not 4getting it's also d month of my wedding anniversary;)) d 3rd anniversary.. thinking to buy iphone 4s 4 hubby but not sure yet 'bout d price since a lot of budget is allocated 4 furnishing our new home, asb savings n our soon-born-baby-girl ;)).
here were some shopping done in december until yesterday 13.12.2011, there'll b a lot of furniture n baby shopping after dis ;p

1st baby garment bought, 4 sets of mittens n booties, @ servay hypermall on 1.12.2011.. nice bargain as they'r having sale;))

then on another day, 10.12.2011, brought nadira 2 parkson n giant @ wawasan plaza. poor her as d nite b4, she cried out-loud coz 1 2 join my parents n other siblings 2 d pertanian dinner.. huhu.. so i was entertaining her 2 shop;)) (as my shopping therapy 2.. haha..)

shopped 4 few snacks n also got a bunny n 2 cartoon dvds 4 nadira;))
n yesterday, 13.12.2011, done another shopping @ 3 different mall. haha.. from suria sabah-wisma merdeka-centre point.. n my left leg was totally in pain in d end of d day.. haha..

nadira @ d metrojaya's changing room..

we also watched puss in boots in 3d @ gsc, suria;)).. nadira fall asleep in d middle of d show, n then woke up during d cats dancing @ almost d end of d movie.. haha..
n our catch of d day..

for me : padini's babyT @ 50% off n 2 nite pants from cotton on, also having 30% off.. ;))

4 nadira, got her a minnie mouse pink pillow, poney jeans overall n a set of hairclip. all from metrojaya;))
after done shopping @ suria, we went 2 wisma merdeka juz 2 buy canvas bag (4 moving usage) n redeem my birthday voucher from d bodyshop. bought a shower gel n got dis eyeshadow 4 50% off using my birthday voucher.

got d small moroccon rose shower gel 2 as my bday gift;)). then we went 2 cp via taxi. last time it was only rm5 4 d taxi fee from wisma merdeka to centre point during my school years. then rm7, n now rm10. huhu.. it's not so far actually..mayb juz 1-2km..
@ cp, we juz went to aussino n having late lunch @ secret recipe. @ 1st juz 1 2 buy d bedsheet set n d quilt cover. then since i'm a member, got 50% 4 both bedsheet set n quilt cover, 40% 4 all towels i bought, another less 4 d bath mats, then also bought a quilt using my birthday priviledge dat makes me got 50% off 4 it. got all 7 items 4 rm600, n got free redemption hand towel;)) 4 non-member, it was only 30-40% off 4 some of d items.

all of my aussino items;))

2 set of bath n face towel (purple) 4 juz rm39.90, 3-pcs face-hand-bath towel (pink) 4 juz rm34.95, 2 pcs of bath math 4 only rm17.95 each n d free redeem hand towel (green) ;))

d bedsheet set n d quilt cover.. soft peach-white-purple-green combination;))

d quilt.. few yrs back, bought a cotton quilt, which was heavier, thick n quite hot. dis 1 is a polyster quilt, which is much lighter, cool n thinner. d quality is better;))
now a bit worried since d lawyer still haven't receive d payment cheque from d BPP. it was almost 2 wks now since they'd posted it via normal mail. huhu.. can't get d house key if d cheque still on its way :((..
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