sorry 4 d late story of my labor day.. it was a very long hrs of contractions n nerves of d delivery, wether it'll b caesar again or vbac ;p
25th feb 2012 :
@ 1.15pm, i had my 1st bloody show.. juz a lil' blood. then went 2 kk specialist.. checking 4 d baby's heart beat n my contractions.. but it was false labor :(( juz opened 4 1cm only.. so no need 2 b admitted.. after waiting + 30 mins of check-up + waiting again, finally went 2 my in-laws @ 3.30pm. got d chance 2 eat burger n 'goreng pisang'.. yummy ;p
during nite time, got d 5mins gap of contractions @ 11pm. all nite long of aches.. didn't remember wat time i had my sleep. but surely lots of waking up bcoz of d pain..
26th feb 2012 :
6.30am arrived @ kk specialist.. during d check-up i was dilated wit 1.5cm, n d contractions gap was 6mins.. then admitted 2 d ward. d contractions getting harder..

mama's pose wit nadira;))
@ 4pm, checked again 4 d baby's heart beat n contractions development.. really in pain n tiring.. n @ 7.15pm dr felice came n i was dilated wit 4cm, so dr felice ruptured my amniotic sac n found out dat d baby already poop a bit in d belly.. huhu..
still in totally pain.. @ 11.25pm, got dripped wit d 'magic water', d nurse called it. dilated wit 6cm n induced wit pitocin..
27th feb 2012 :
later @12am, i was brought 2 d labor room.. seriously i'd decided 2 call 4 caesar again, really can't stand wit d pain.. but d nurse checked me n i was dilated wit 8cm.. thankfully i'm able 2 do d vbac;))
n after struggling wit d pain n pushing d baby..

finally @ 2.08am, arissa nathifa was born via vbac.. felt so relieved ;))

after being cleaned..
arissa got her 1st attempt of breastfeeding @ 3am, but still no milk produced. try 2 rest but keep on waking up.. felt pain 4 d stitches n contractions.. yup, still feeling it.. n d stitches, i'm sure there's a lot of them.. huhu..

@ 11am 2nd attempt 4 bf again..

n only @ 4pm, i was allowed 2 go home.. dr felice haven't given her total fees, so d nurse was had 2 give us late invoice from d kksc..
it was heavy rain outside.. :(( thankfully d staff nurse helped me getting into d car by lifting nadira 1st.. hubby got totally wet.. no 1 else was there 4 us.. as 4 nadira, lots of ppl accompanying her home 4 d 1st time..
alhamdulillah.. everything was ok;)) hopefully our new bundle of joy will make our family stay happy, stronger, joyful, blessed n healthy;))
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