d 1st session of massage was totally in pain. d whole body, from head 2 toe. not 4getting breast massage - 2 unclogged d milk duct. it was d most pain of all n it made me cried ;p.
i'd also bought dis 'manjakani' drink.. d makcik urut said it's good 4 d internal body blood circulation..

felt a bit refresh after d 1st session;))
@7pm we went 2 mothercare 4 nadira's tshirt n jeans shopping;)) as she's getting taller.. so need 2 replace her 'hanging' jeans ;p.. d cutest rompers set dun hav d size 4 arissa. so, will get 4 her next time ;))
n 2day after d 2nd massage session felt more relief on d legs, shoulders n arms. but d head n back still felt pain, makcik said it was bcoz of stress n lots of sitting :((
then, @ 2pm, we headed 2 jakel n ariani boutique. got 2 pairs of raya clothes 4 both hubby n me.. 4 nadira n arissa juz 1 pair of raya clothes, which balance from abah's baju melayu clothes. our raya theme 4 dis yr is 'turqoise' ;)) spent rm800 @ jakel while @ ariani almost rm300, as i got 4 pairs of instant tudung;))

guess dat's d final shopping 4 march. need 2 spare some money 4 d nex appointment wit dr felice @ 16 apr, which i need 2 do d pap smear test. mayb will buy few of nadira n arissa stuff such as diaper, formula milk. n mayb juz snack 4 me..
o ya, during arissa's 2nd wk.. sumtimes she responds when i was talking 2 her ( as answering me back ) ;))

n 4 nadira.. still got her jealousy 2wards arissa ;p.. n even worst when she can't get wat she 1, she'll throw things n sumtimes kick or slaps @ ppl ( dat's 4 my dad, mom n my hubby ). n 4 me, she never dares.. she only speak back when i ask her not 2 do things.. huhu.. we called her 'boss' n sumtimes 'anak raja'.. ;p

she always pose her feet like dis whenever she drinks her milk. like a boss ;p
p/s : arissa was wit me during d 2 days shopping.. she was in d ring-sling carrier.. n thankfully she'd cried only during end of d shopping ;P
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