i missed d breast engorgement moment.. huhu.. sadly 2 say, now arissa drinks more of formula milk than my milk :((.. my breast didn't giv her much milk nowadays.. as i think my body 'shrink' ( back 2 petite or simply thinner n lighter than my 36kg average weight )..
nadira had her exclusive bf period b4 i started back 2 work n she had bf until 11 months. while arissa, not even a month she already had less bf.. i was really sad, but d good news is she's getting bigger n heavier in a short of time.. mayb 4 d fat from d anmum step 1 formula milk..
can feel my body had been so tired n i need 2 b freshen up.. o ya, i dun hav pain @ my waist anymore, but turns out my feet, ankles n knees n also my neck n shoulders hav lots of pain nowadays.. mayb from my sitting activity.. yup, lots of sitting.. n mayb dis is d 1 reason 4 less producing milk.. tiredness :((
no more pumping session.. huwargh.. n lots of money spent on d formula milk. 2 boxes of 650g anmum 4 2 wks.. huhu.. almost rm50 per box, so can b a total of rm200 in a month.. dat's 4 arissa's 1st month. n other coming months? huhu.. not mentioning her diapers. i got her mamypoko diapers, only dis brand get my trust nowadays. juz 4 feb-march-now she almost wears 10packs of 52-pcs newborn size diapers. n spent almost rm400 4 all dis.. huhu.. she can wear nadira's cloth diapers, but there's only 6 sets of inserts. need 2 buy more inserts n cd 2 sav a lot from using d diapers. hmm..
alhamdulillah we dun hav serious money problem now, but worried in d future. lots of money had been spent 4 completing our home. n next, nursery 4 arissa n nadira.. huhu.. i wish i can bf arissa more.. juz thinking of d coming work load n d hot labuan makes me more worrying.. how can i successfully bf her later in labuan.. :'((
suppose 2 b motivating n talking about bf 2 arissa when she was still in my belly:(( as 4 nadira, she was easy 4 her bf, but her body didn't grow well. taller but thin. n not 4getting easily get sick n her bronchulitis.. but she had pretty n white teeth, also strong bones.. 4 arissa, hardly sucking d breast ( mostly juz suck d nipples ). n can't hardly wait 4 small amount of milk from d bf. huhu.. hopefully she'll grow healthy either bf or less.
nexwik will b leaving kk 4 lbuan. hav 2 prepare d home n our family 4 my soon-back-2-work in may.. praying d best 4 my 'lil family.. amin;))
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White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago
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