we sent hubby 2 register @ 7.40am n he'd been asked 2 rest. hubby went 2 operation room @ 12.30pm, but dr. dharma only arrive @ 1.20pm. d surgery took about 30-40mins. hubby said it was painful dis time. he got full-body of anaesthetic, which las time only half-body.

dr. dharma said hubby can b discharged in afternoon d nex day.
while waiting hubby resting in d morning, me n my dad brought nadira 2 indra skin clinic @ kk specialist centre. d doc was so grumpy. haha..

even when i'm using my phone 2 take note 4 her consultant advice, she asked me 2 put away my phone. same 4 nadira, she was being told not 2 touch her medicines in d room. haha;p
she got 1 antibiotic, 2 4 anti-allergy which each 4 day n nite, bath soaking liquid 2 put in d water n body cream. total fee was rm440. all medicines r 4 6 wks time. hopefully her skin will recover very soon.. amin ;))

doctor-2-b? hopefully she'll b a bright n healthy child in d future;))
29.1.13 - dr. dharma was so bz wit other patients n surgery d whole day. he only manage 2 check hubby in d evening. so hubby was required 2 stay 1 more nite in d ward. again, nadira stay wit us during d day n arissa during nite time.
we checked d bill in d evening n guess wat.. it was already rm20k, which d total payment need 2 b paid weren't as discussed wit dr. dharma earlier.
30.1.13 - during d afternoon dr. dharma checked hubby again then there was another physiotherapist came 2 d ward 2 teach hubby how 2 do d right exercise 2 strengthen back of his foot.
d bill matter also was hardly 2 b settled. as we know earlier dat hubby will b covered a sum of rm13k per yr by ing insurance. but d hospital said it was rm8+++ only. so after checking wit d discharge department n calling ing insurance, which were lots of time 4 both, finally @ 3pm hubby was discharge n d we paid rm5+++ 2 cover d total payment of rm18744.60. huhu;'((
there goes my iphone5 ;'((
n hubby will c dr. dharma again on d 1st in d morning.
o ya, as 4 nadira, her skin was getting so much better. hopefully d meds were really suit 4 her. amin ;)) will post more later about her allergy.
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Location:kota kinabalu city