but things get worst.. it was eczema which then was spreading to nadira's
whole body skin. inside both elbows, back of d knees, arms, legs, chest, back of ears, back skin, stomach n both cheeks. went 2 d docs lots of time, switching medicines each time, but no signs of recovering:((
she should hav cool n less warm water 4 her bathing. warm water will make d skin drier then itchier. so better use a bath gel from hypo-alergenic n no fragrance.
after bath, we use mosturizing lotion after each bath. in nadira's case, we'r using ellgy's h20 arr lotion. put on her body 3-4 times a day so dat d skin will keep on mosturize. dryness will trigger d itchiness:((
some other case will also alergic wit some food. not sure 4 nadira. but will avoid egg, soy n peanuts.
n most website mentioned dat cigar's smoke will trigger d eczema. same happened during stress. huhu..
n dr teh from dr ong's clinic advise nadira 2 hav mild steroid 4 her skin. did once put on her skin, but then i'm feeling not confident wit d med. so we stop using it. i've checked in d google, some ppl will b alergic 2 d type of steroid. will hav fever n d skin will b much worse;((
since we'll b going 2 kk dis end of january 4 hubby's 2nd surgery, we also gonna c a dermatologist 4 2nd opinion of d eczema.
did some research n found dis helpful links :

i'm still thinking wat is d actually reason for dis eczema 2 occur? is it from cleanliness, skin dryness, food allergen etc?based on our water filter was so dirty 4 juz 2 wks time ;(( -pls c above pic.. planning 2 bring nadira 2 c either dr melinda or sum1 from smc.
hopefully she'll recover soon. if not, need other option, a traditional treatment.. my dad-in-law said 1 of his fren can cure dis kind of sickness. same wit my sis-in-law, she said dat sum1 @ semporna can cure dis 2. not fully believe of dis 'old ppl curing'. but juz hope it's worth 4 a try.
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kesian jg na... :( kadang-kadang air..kadang-kadang habuk...
ReplyDeletepnah dlu ku dgr, klu org ada athma, antara kuar ampusnya or gtal2 bdn.. huhu.. cian bh nadira ni x brenti skitnya.. ada jak skitnya ni:((