on 14th of february, during valentine's day, we went 2 frattini's restaurant 4 lunch.. juz me, hubby n nadira ;))

4 d kids' development, arissa's getting brighter n more active ;p

she really luv 2 put scarf or towel on her head. then she'll crawl around while wearing it ;))

arissa also got big appetite ;p

luvs 2 climb d sofas.. huhu.

arissa still got 8 teeth n did lot of standings;)) hopefully she'll walk soon ;))
while nadira luv 2 draw n do colouring. she also can count 1-20, knew A-Z, knew d prime n secunder colours.. also speaking wit a better vocabulary nowadays.
nadira's blocks creations :

no 1..




soft toys stack..
d kids other activities :

both nadira n arissa luv 2 play @ d playground ;)) we'll bring them during d evening if d weather suits.

also playing in d pool ,2-3 times a week.. both of them luv 2 play wit water ;p
n on d 27th, we did a pre-celebration 4 arissa's 1st bday ;))

hopefully she'll be a bright, healthy, happy, adorable n active child ;)) amin..
p/s - something happened sabah, my home-state, will do another post about it.. my sincere view of what i knew n understand from it..
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:taman mahkota impian, w. p. labuan
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