the tickets.. we also wore white paper bangle (which means 2 park pass. blue/pink means only 1 park pass)

@ Hello Kitty Town ( 1st Floor ) :

looking inside the Kitty's House :

The Little Big Club @ 2nd & 3rd Floor :
too much going on here.. so we just stop @ few rides/games & also the Cafe ( with limited choice of food, not forgetting the high prices. Legoland had much better food i think )..

there was alot of fun rides here @ the 3rd Floor, but we just took 3 rides : the Thomas Train, the Bus & Colin Crane Drop because of nadira refused to do so. she kind afraid of high & speed after the Colin Crane Drop ride.. ;P so we just skipped others & went back to 2nd Floor.

back to 2nd floor..
@ Angelina Ballerina Studio :

our photos of the day (same with Legoland, took picture inside, scan & collect @ Photo Booth in the Souvenir Shop) :

bought this for nadira & arissa :

then we back to the hotel to reest & later went to Dino Water Theme Park @ KSL Resort in the evening, as for nadira had been asking us since day 1 ;))


there were fireworks going on near the hotel area during the nite, not sure for what event it was.. about 20 minutes enjoying the show ;))

and finally our last day @ JB..

bought some books & magazine @ Senai Airport.. they was extra cheap compare to KK & Labuan's prices.. huhu..

hoping for more visit to other places in the future.. ( that's for JPO too.. huhu.. someday insyaAllah )will plan ahead for USS, Singapore & Legoland, JB visit again for 2016. more exciting experience & new faces too ( maybe the whole Rahman's family will be joining us, as my lil' sis will be graduating from UTM in the october the same year;)) )
p/s - here's the business card for the blue taxi driver as i've mentioned earlier, he's a good driver. not charging more than rm60 to the place we had went since there was some driver just love to cheat the passengers..

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