salam.. i went 2 klinik sarva @ kk specialist yesterday 4 d baby 4D scan. later i found dat i'll hav a baby girl. my hubby was so happy, he was d 1 who really 1 a baby girl. me? @ d early pregnancy, i 1 a baby girl. then change my mind 4 a baby boy. but, either 1 is ok. as far as my baby n me is healthy b4, during n after d labor time.
dr sarva said my baby was chubby as in d 4d pic. everything look f9 n healthy. after my whole family looked @ d pic, they said my baby's face looks like my hubby. round nose, big eyes. hehe. but we'll c after she's born. hehe. i'm thinking 2 name her ' alana nadira ' - ' we soften, d unique d precious '. but me n hubby still considering other names 4 d moment.
n 2day i went 2 a baby store ' little me' @ karamunsing wit my hubby. we bought a baby cot. 4-in-1 so dat we can use it until baby alana 5 yrs old. hehe. stil 2 find a better mattress. since d free 1 is not thick.
nex month wil baby bedding set n mayb d wall deco. thinking 2 buy flower design 4 d deco;)).
Aww That's a perfect picture you got there. pretty baby. congratulations Noe! Let's pray for the best.
ReplyDeleteBesnya noeeeeeeeeeee... aku pon mo baby girl..sebab byk baju yg cute2 buli beli..pegi jgak ko scan arr? congratssss!!
ReplyDeleteiya..hehe..suda la missed appointment jmaat ptg. sab2 pg p jak 2 klinik mo buat scan. hehe. trus aku buat appoinmtnt 4 deliver d klinik dr felice, kk specialist. xmo aku dr laki bh, mo dr pmpuan jgk ni. dona n qming, tek k ok.. hope kita 3-3 selamat til d labor day;))
ReplyDeleteNasib baik kau xbeli baby cot Ikea, aku plan nak beli gak mulanyer. minggu lepas aku tgk xcantik sgt & xtahan. lagipun yang 4 in 1 kau beli tu lagi berbaloi hehe... Ikea punyer chest of drawers tu cantik. Aku tengah fikir mcm mana nak bawak balik skrg ni...
ReplyDeleteada baby cot mothercare (jamestown white). mmg ok. tp mhl btul.. rm1699. haha..baby cot 4-in-1 yg aku suda bli rm700. free foam mattress lg. ko try cari la kdai furniture d kuching. mntau ada yg bleh order brg ikea.
ReplyDeletekami pun beli baby cot dari mothercare warna putih, Baby cot tu dalam RM7++ tilam dia 3++ & Bumper Semua RM11++. jer kat Kuching. kualitinya lebih baik dari Ikea. Baby cot Ikea kecil. Kelmarin aku pegi meeting di KL & Petang tu aku pegi Ikea beli Chest of Drawers. Aku dapat beli yg MALM Chest 3 Drawer jer sebab Drawer tu berat dia 37KG. Kalau 4 Drawer 47KG. aku xlarat nak angkat. Driver teksi tolong aku angkat. maximum boleh bawak naik MAS 32KG sebijik brg. Nasib baik Drawer tu lepas haha...
ReplyDeletemurah plak baby cot mothercare kuching. kk mhl.. katil je rm1000++. klu baby crib yg kcil br dpt rm600++. tp xda mattress. kna bli asing. xpa la, rasanya ok jgk baby cot 4-in-1 tu. brand apa ntah. hehe. x psg lg..stil dlm box. tgu hubby blk kk br pasg.
ReplyDeletechestdrawer ikea yg aku order, kdai tolong courier dr kl, psg n deliver spai rumah. dorg caj rm100++ la dr actual price.
bju baby baru bli 2. haha.. tgu org bagi hdiah baby. mls mo bli bju baby byk2, baby kan cpt bsar. yg pntg ready brg yg mo pkai lama dlu cam baby cot, cabinet dia. yg lain mo dkt2 9 months br bli. hehe. best la dona, ko join jgk bli2. hubby aku d lbuan, so aku la byk shopping sndri..
2 tahun lepas ada kedai yang memang jual & ambik oder barang2 Ikea di Kuching. Kedai tu cuma jual barang2 Ikea jer, tapi dah tutup sbb xder sambutan. Kat Kuching orang xminat sgt Ikea kot.