i'd gave birth 2 a baby girl on 23 September 2009 ( 4 Syawal 1431H ), Wednesday @ 9.27am tru Cesarean section( or C-section ). she weight 3.0kg, with length 47cm n head diameter 33cm. she's quite a big baby 4 me actually.
i've experienced water-break at 4.00pm on d 22nd, n got 2 kk specialist centre around 4.30pm. they checked n i got bloody-show soon after dat. then i was admitted 2 d ward ( room no 3.. to detail.. haha.. .d contractions only start @ nite time with 20mins gap time. dr felice do checked me at 2.30am n guess wat? d opening was only 1cm. so i've been sent 2 d labor room 2 do d IV drip n d contractions become 3mins each gap.
it was so totally painful n i asked 4 painkiller. n @ 8am again d nurse checked me but d opening was only 2cm. dr felice dcided 2 do C-section 4 me. n i got into d operation room @ 9am n went out @ 10am. dr felice was totally great, i didn't even notice when she cut n took out d baby from my belly ( 'bius separuh badan' ). even they played rossa's songs during d operation. haha.. my baby cried very loud. nyaring suaranya.. hehe.. then i was sent back 2 d ward 4 resting, as well my baby 2 d nursery.
later, after being cleaned, my baby was 'azan dan iqamat' by uncle maarof ( my dad's brother ) since my hubby n dad not available during dis time. then i felt asleep..
will continue my nursing experience later.. ngantuk ni bgn jam 3pg 4 nursing baby.. also will upload d pics when i'm healthy enough..
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago