now i'm counting days 4 d labor day. really can't wait 2 meet my baby girl.. dis few weeks, i'd been experienced d braxton hicks contractions, baby hiccups in d belly, backache,d nesting instinct period (luv 2 make d room n everything nicely prepared, clean n tidy), n my belly starting going down 2.. as d baby trying 2 get her way out.. hehe.. 19 days more 4 d day.. n everyday juz thinking how will i deliver. can i make it? hopefully.. insyaAllah ;))
stil need 2 buy d bedding set 4 baby cot bed, coz both 1-borneo's n centre point's aussino doesn't hav their stock 4 now.. it's been 2 wks i've been following up wit them.. most prob if they stil didn't hav it til end of dis month, i'll juz buy d mothercare's rosebud bumper (rm 130+) n pillow case (rm30+) which they'll cost more than d aussino's full set- rm260.. huhu.. n recently i received msg from she's a tailor who made set of baby quilt, pillow case, bolster case, diaper stacker n bumper which cost rm365 (can do embroidered name on each item - which really made me interested). but she juz available 2 complete d set in october. hav 2 made d choice since it's almost d time.. huhu..
my confinement set arrived 2day. leesa formula confinemum premium which cost me only rm319, rather than sabah's normal price rm355. thanx 2 d set consist of Prawan tablet, Haruan tablet, Cotet Emas Uncang , Ginger Cream, Body Contour Gel, Bengkung Correctuer, Telon n 2 pack of Tungku Herba. all 9 items.
wah suma dah lengkap. patut lah dah siap nak bersalin. Set mana yg ok? dn pernah tengok kat kedai mcm sendayu tinggi etc. what are the things to consider? xreti nak beli la. dn x habis survey lagi sampai sekarang. MIL dah tanya dari awal2 lagi.
ReplyDeletemm.. sendayu tgi ngan nona roguy top of d confinement list. tp mhl sgt.. yg full set arga spai rm400++. klu salindah plak org ckp pil dia byk spai x abis mkn even after 40 hari pantang.
ReplyDeleteleesa formula quite ok i think. ada jg kwn2 cikgu pkai n they said ok. harga sabah sarawak rm355. but i got it 4 juz rm319 @ ( got 9 item in d set ).
ikut dona la berkenan yg mana 1. 4 me tgk brand, testimonial org n d price. hehe..