1-How long have you been married? #8 months n 3 days
2-How long have you been together? #4 years and 8 months
3-Where did you go on your first date? #Having drink n chit chat @ salim restaurant, lintas wit kudin around as he made it more happening since we'r both stil shy2 ( malu2 kucing knun.. haha.. )
4-Where did you go on your last date? #dinner at kfc, segama after merajuk sbb x puas jln d 1-b
5-What's your anniversary date? #December 27th
6-Where were you married? At my parents house.
7-What was your best/favorite wedding gift and from whom? #All the gifts where great, but i think d rice cooker from aunt lai was truly touching since she brought it all d way from kl. thanx aunty ;)
8-Where did you honeymoon? #We haven't gone on a honeymoon yet. since d 1st months of marriage I was pregnant.. but there's a plan going 2 Jakarta nex yr ;P
9-What food do you like now because of your spouse? #Udang goreng asam jawa. haha.. luv it!
10-What type of music do you like now because of your spouse? #My music tastes haven't changed.
11-What movie or television program do you like now because of your spouse? #JUMPER.. best!
12-Favorite thing you like doing together? #Watching movies, but after knowing i was pregnant, hav 2 postpone 2 watch all d great movies. juz buy d dvd la.. huhu..
13-Last gift you bought your spouse? #nike collar t-shirt
14-Last gift your spouse bought you? #rm1000 2 shop 4 baby n me ;))
15-Favorite thing about your spouse? #when ever he's mad @ me, i wil get 'merajuk' but then he's d 1 who wil 'pujuk'. haha;))
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago
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