planning 2 go 2 more events since nadira kind of big enough, yes she's 15 months already. n we went to my cuzie, Jimah's wedding on d 18th. @ 1st she was a bit fussy, but later she's happy but still didn't like unfamiliar-faces-people approaches her. huhu.. here was some pics during 2 days of d wedding;)

n few days back, nadira had fever, but alhamdullilah it just last 2 days. kind of worried @ 1st, but she was active as usual;))

b4 d year ended, i did some online also on-site shopping.. haha ;P now still waiting 4 nadira's pyjama sets n my cloth pad/liner. done with d payment, but there was x'mas day so hopefully they'll arrive soon b4 new yr..

here some pics during our previous day-shopping..

then on d 24th, went to mothercare midnite sale 8-12pm. went there @ 8pm, early b4 it got packed with ppl. it was 2nd day of their nite sale. nothing much 2 buy as only limited sizes left. planning 2 buy nadira's shoes n tights but finally bought her 2 sets of socks n bottle cleanser liquid. n nadira was just woke up when i arrived back @ home;P

n we went 2 my aunt's kenduri last nite. dis was nadira's 1st time going 2 a kenduri n @ nite time event..

n today made some shopping again @ karamunsing.. bought her tights n was searching 4 nadira's bottle 4 few days. went 2 mothercare, kids avenue, little me n finally found them @ signature, karamunsing complex. looking 4 BPA-free n normal 250ml bottle type (don't like d wide neck - did bought it once).

n got pureen n disney's brands. n they'r quite cheap;)
haha.. bit of dis n there 4 dis time post.. juz had d time 2 blog.. n can't wait 4 dis evening.. hubby's coming.. n it's my 28th bday;)) yippie! alhamdulillah;))