yes.. counting to a new year.. 2011..
most of my list 2010 was succeed gratefully.. n now time to think for 2011.. my 2011 resolutions :
1) no more sweet, low self-esteem, kind-hearted rina.. it's time for HIGH SELF-ESTEEM, a little rebellious @ heart.. haha;P (i'm tired of ppl using me to do their work, as they'r paying my salary) ;P
2) making nadira chubbier than before.. trying to make her weight as much as i can ;)
3) trying and keep on trying for successfully transferred to labuan..
4) saving more for our house renovations n interior design works..
i think dat's enough 4 now.. mm.. mayb i shud start a small biz to add more on our savings? @ d moment, mine n hubby's salary quite enough for d 3 of us.. but extra 4 savings is quite little.. hopefully murah rezeki 4 d yr 2011.. new baby? dat 1, need to postpone 1st;P
p/s - my birthday n our 2nd wedding anniversary is juz around d corner.. can't believe we were almost 2 yrs got married (known each other since high school-matriculation yrs n coupled since 2004).. felt like it was only yesterday;P
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago
wish u all the best na..!! x sedar ms berlalu kan...yg no1. tu ya PERLU jg tu kan sebab nnt orng buli-buli BIKIN PANAS..