it's 15th already.. n 10 days to x'mas, 12 days to our 2nd anniversary n 13 days to my bday.. hehe.. i really luv december;P.. but d bad thing when ur bday is in december, most if ur school frens will forget 'bout ur bday since it was school holiday.. huhu.. dat happens to me a lot.. n only once during my uni 1st year, 2001 my bday was celebrated by my frens.. unforgettable memories.. i got splased with fluor, pepsi n egg.. haha.. missed dat moment (with vivi, emma, mieya, liza, al, jalie). i'm not able to post their pic since my pics from 2001-2003 was in my previous CPU (d motherboard broke n i never repair it ;P).. haha..
n wedding anniversary.. juz simple celebration i guess same as last yr. bday+anniversary celebration mayb with cake, delicious food n gift? mm.. our big achievement was we did get a mpv n a house dis yr. also new wallet 4 hubby n new iPhone 4 me. so i guess, no need 2 buy any special gift dis time (can save for other things). as long as hubby will b home on d 28th, i'll b so happy..
i would like share our happy memories b4 getting married.. haha.. few of old skul pics..

2004 - our 1st picture together

2005 - after finished my degree studies

2006 -alan was in Kuala Terengganu for 1 1/2 yr of INSTEP training

2007 - during raya (1st time bringing hubby to meet my parents)

dinner time @ our fav place dat time, secret recipe warisan sq

2008 - our engagement day 03082008
now we'd changed to me, size XS to S, while hubby from M to almost L. n less outing now since i'm bz wit work n parenting nadira, while hubby alone in labuan. we've became a boring couple now ;P. last time was fun, exciting n a little adventurous. hehe.. but it's ok.. soon after nadira's getting bigger n we able staying together, then we'll b fun, exciting n a little adventurous lil' family.. ))
Happy Anniversary in advanced :)