how time flies so fast.. as nadira will b 18 months next week.. yippie!;))
nothing much happened in my life.. juz bz wit school work n parenting nadira as usual.. n training my hockey team/player from district to state championship level..

1) d school team won 1st place (boys) n 2nd place (girls) in district level;
2) 12 of my players chosen 4 d kk team n they won 1st place (boys n girls); then

alhamdulillah 3 of my player was chosen 2 d national championship level;)) also managing few things 4 d school's track n field team..

hmm.. 4 nadira.. a lot of development happened 2 her..
1) faster steps on her walking ;
2) more teething ( yup.. front of her 8 teeth was fulled now, more of side teeth also came out.. juz hav 2 wait 4 few more teeth;)) ;
3) she's dancing with all of her body ( she juz used her hands last time.. haha );
4) she also can understand mostly what we said (saying n pointing with fingers.. hehe.. example: asking her 2 take things, saying no, etc);
5) she luvs d camera n talking on d phone.. haha.. ; n
6) she tell us if her nappy was wet or fulled with poop..
nadira has been away few times.. well actually my mom or dad brought her 2 my aunty's house or 2 d shop.. not too long.. so i juz prepared 1 bag fulled with her stuff so when i'm bz in d evening (during d school days), my family will took her from d daycare nanny n bring her anyway they'r going. well, dis happened during febuary when d nanny can't take care of nadira since she hav 2 look after her daughter 4 sport practice during d evening ( yes.. d whole month ).. will send nadira 2 a better place in d future, dis coming june ;))
o ya, here's d pics 4 what did happened during my bz moment n also nadira's active pose ( she's being so active most of d time but she'd been coughing since last 2 wks n being cranky during d nite time )

it's school break 4 a week, but still lots of school work 2 b done. n hubby's coming home dis friday.. yippie!! haven't seen him 4 almost 2 months.. huhu.. well i was totally bz so i asked him 2 come home only when i'm free. hopefully things will run smoothly dis month til june, as april will hav d g-tukar application (transfer application). n i'm still worried 4 my house loan. still not getting d treasury's approval since d developer haven't complete 2 more document as my loan requirement. hopefully can get d loan n d house OC a.s.a.p. eagerly 2 move a new step in life.. d alana (alan+nana+nadira) family living 2gether;))
ReplyDeletecongratulations. I'm proud of you too :D
ReplyDeleteNadira is a big girl now. She's a cheerful little girl.
Amin insyaAllah boleh cepat pindah rumah. Good luck!