yup it happened last weekend.. hubby got d chance 2 b home (as i'm free @ d moment - after hockey coaching n school work).. we did spend time a lot with shopping.. haha.. i'm born as shopaholic, so shop3x.. we did :
1) shopping 4 monthly groceries ;
2) visiting in-law's house ;
3) dining-out (finally); n
4) went to Perdana Park @ Tg Aru (a new place 4 jog n it has musical-water-fountain which showing during 7pm-9.10pm only).
some pics during our precious weekend together..
really missed spending time out wit lil' alana family.. juz haven't got d chance 4 picnic @ d beach, bring nadira to d playground n also swimming @ beach/pool (also planning 4 building sand-castle.. huhu..).. nvm, hav to wait until may's school break;)) til then, lots of school work to b done.. hohoho.. hopefully succeed 4 d transferring to labuan.. luv'd my work place now, but still got d pressure which slowly drowning me along d unmanagable-working-flow.. huhu..
cute la bola pink..amin amin semoga semuanya dipermudahkan..ya lah hopefully dapaat piknik sama2 kamu bah...cian ni c daniel x playmate :(