here r some pics of d day.. n it's d 1st time i'm wearing make-up 2 work since i've been transfered to sk bukit kalam;)) got lots of compliment 4 dis;p

4 d 1st time i felt d close relationship with my cholics here.. well, b4 dis only dealing tru' classes, work.. but having brunch n singing 4 d raya karaoke was quite fun.. still missing d lok yuk environment;)) hope everything will b better esp nex yr.. as few cholics is applying 4 transfer, n mayb i'll b appointed 2 do more work 4 2011.. so will keep on bz again..
d baby's coming mid of february.. so better plan 2 do something 4 our new house during nov/dec (during school break). esp searching 4 d home furniture n appliances;)) can't wait..
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Location:labuan f.t.