these r d few pics of dis yr raya.. sadly it's only d 2 of us.. hubby wasn't with us during 1st-5th day of raya. me n nadira went back to kk on d 23rd then went back to labuan on d 3rd.. glad we managed to bought d 'rm16' flight (lbuan-kk-lbuan).. haha.. so only rm170 4 both of us;))

nadira was being so 'manja' n fussy during raya.. well, she dun like too many people gather around her.. but it's raya, so it must be lots of ppl esp family.. haha.. so whenever she realizes there's ppl around, she'll close her eyes with her palms n sometimes hide her cute face on my chest.. haha;P dis will b d funniest story 2 b told 2 her when she's bigger;P
my princess was so shy ;P.. no la.. it's juz bcoz she haven't been around with many ppl in dis 2 moths. juz being with us, me n hubby;(.. really missed life @ kk. but, life must goes on.. n i need 2 spread my wings n b independent;))
will upload other raya pics later;))
si manja jadi kakak sd nadira sayang nda ble manjamanja suda