..our wedding anniversary, on d 27th ( i found dis printed paper while checking some files in d drawers. it was d design of our wedding banner ).

n also my birthday on d 28th.. ;))
i'm 30 dis yr n lots of things 2 b done b4 my 40's.. n by 2013 all d things i 1 2 do r :
1) get arissa n nadira a saving insurance each ;
2) complete our wedding photobook.. d layout design is with my big bro, radzie, n i haven't got d time 2 discuss detail wit him 4 d final layout of pics dat i 1 ;p
3) edit my wedding videos.. haha.. yup dis 1 2.. b4 dis was so bz wit d kids so need 2 b focus on editting them ;p
4) raya visit to semporna, it'll b my 1st time 2 my late mom-in-law's hometown ;
5) got ourselves a photoshoot 4 family pics ;)) wit white garments @ d playground or park.. can't wait ;p
6) kundasang trip.. it'll b arissa's 1st visit there ;)).. dis time will stay @ least 1 nite, then will go 2 d mesilau 4 d dairy farm ;)) n hopefully can drop a visit 2 d sabah tea farm 2 ;
7) planning 4 2016 singapore visit.. haha.. will keep on searching d best place 2 stay, 2 visit, 2 eat n where 2 buy d best bargain 4 d souvenir.. also will start d money saving 4 d trip of coz ;p
8) pray on time.. yup i'm d 1 who sumtime delays my responsibility.. huhu.. ;((
9) read Quran a lot.. yup.. usually juz read it during ramadhan ;((
10) 2 spare my time 4 reading Yaasin every thursday nite ( mlm jumaat ) coz i rarely do dis ;((
11) learn how 2 cook delicious 'soto' ;p
12) buy nadira a mini ipad ;
13) buy arissa a gold bracelet wit bell ;
14) buy myself an iphone 5 ; n finally..
15) buy hubby a set of new rims n tyres 4 our toyota wish mpv..
hopefully i can reach all of them by 2013.. amin.. @ least more than half, esp d important 1 which r no 1 'til 10.. i'm trying 2 b a happy working-mom n also a good muslimah ;))
n suddenly d new things @ our home recently ;)) haha..

d maid's bed n drawers..

arissa's safety gate..
good bye 2012.. d yr of gaining n searching of d new me, after 30 yrs of living ;p hopefully my life will b always blessed by Allah.. esp 4 all of us.. ALaNa's family.. amin ;))
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Location:taman mahkota impian, w.p. labuan