Saturday, December 22, 2012

kk medical visit ;)) pt. 3

after d surgery @ 12pm yesterday, hubby still staying in d sharing ward. d ward was hectic wit 3 very old other patients as they was critical ill. wit lots of coughing, loud noise from d oxigen tank ( from d bed nex 2 hubby's ) n not 4getting d voices of their visitors' voices. hohoho.. n finally we got a single bed ward, d executive room ( rm300 per nite ;p )

nice tv board ;))

d lazy is 4 rented ( rm15 per day )..

d seats..

d bathroom equiped wit water heater..

really like d sink design ;))

n i brought arissa 2 stay wit us tru' d nite ;))

also got mcD's meals 4 dinner ( via delivery ).. hehe..

our nest 4 d nite.. foldable mattress n comforter ( from my mom's ) wit d dsh pillow n blanket ;))

n 2day.. in d morning ;))

our fresh face after morning hot shower ;))

arissa's pose..

during noon time, arissa's taking her nap while we'r watching movies on d tv ;))

juz got d chance 2 take pics of hubby..

his left knee..

cold therapy.. had been wore @ his knee tru' out d nite..

hubby can walk by himself already, but juz a bit slow.. he can't bend his knee too much.. d wound will b recover in few days dr. dharma said. n in january, he'll take a bit of tendon from hubby's left foot, make it in tied-4 pcs as a new anterior crutiate ligament ( acl ) 4 hubby ;))

n since hubby can walk, d most probably we gonna watch d 'hobbits' as planned.. amin.. ( finger crossed ) ;))

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Location:damai specialist hospital, kk

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