been in kk 4 2 wks then now nearly a week @ lbuan;) it has been nice being @ our own house, juz d shopping @ labuan were bad. as always limited choices of place n stuff. not 4getting d higher price than kk.. huhu;((

i'm sharing few things about getting a new maid after referring it 2 d imigration, other experienced ppl. it was my 1st experience n still in process ;))
1) u gotta get d form from d state immigration dept ( as 4 me although i'm from kk, but i'm staying n working @ labuan, i still need 2 settle dis matter @ labuan ).
2) register wit FOMEMA agent ( rm190 4 d registeration, rm10 4 wang pos, n adding rm5 4 form filling fee. total of rm205 ). then wait 4 a week 2 get from d fomema hq @ alor setar. now u can bring ur maid 4 her medical check-up after receiving d letter. then another week 2 get d result. i advise that better register d fomema soon after u got d maid. 4 me, got delay 4 2 wks since i was staying in kk.
3) if d passport was nearly stamped wit d arrival date 4 a month, it needs 2 get stamped @ another country ( either d maid's origin or d nearest country ). as 4 me, it was easily 2 go 2 brunei rather than indonesia ;p so, need 2 send d maid 4 stamping her passport, a day of settlement. but if her passport still valid 4 a long period, so juz ignore dis..
4) fill d forms, attach wit pictures n others such as ic copy, children or parents documents n etc, 'setem hasil' stamping 4 few forms). u can check below :
a) Surat iringan majikan yang dialamatkan kepada Ketua Pengarah Imegresen Negeri. Kandungan surat menyatakan tujuan majikan ingin mengambil pembantu rumah asing (PRA).
b) Borang Permohonan Pas Lawatan (Kerja Sementara) - PLKS PRA
c) Borang Maklumat PRA - bersama 2 keping gambar majikan (sekeping bagi setiap suami dan isteri) juga 2 keping gambar pembantu rumah berukuran pasport.
d) Personal Bond ( dimatikan setem RM10 )
e) Kontrak Perjanjian Pekerjaan dengan PRA ( dimatikan setem RM10 ). Perjanjian ini ditandatangani di antara majikan dengan PRA beserta seorang saksi
pls attach wit :
- Salinan kad pengenalan majikan (suami dan isteri)
- Salinan sijil perkahwinan dan surat beranak anak-anak majikan / parents' ic copy n employer's birth cert wit doctor's letter
- Salinan pasport PRA
- Slip FOMEMA + Laporan perubatan PRA
- Slip gaji 3 bulan ( terkini ) - disahkan majikan dan Penyata Cukai majikan
- Salinan bil air atau elektrik
there's also option 4 having d maid's insurance. i'm not sure 4 dis 1. will get details later during sending d application forms..
reference :
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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