i went 2 c dr. felice 2day 4 my 6th weeks after my c-sec delivery. my womb shrink back 2 normal size. n dr. felice said blood from d womb will appear until 6-8 wks after deliver tru c-sec. mine, up until now.. wit 2-3 days gap. dr. felice also said i'm able 2 do exercise such as jogging after 2 months, n do heavy work/exercise after 3 months from d labor day.
i also got dis info regarding full BF n menstrual. some ppl hav their menstrual period after 6 wks up until 1 yr after delivery. depend on d person. after dat, shud do contraception. it's important 2 plan dis thing.. better 2 hav 2nd child after 2 yrs of d 1st child was born.
also got dis info 'bout contraception. there's few types of contraception:
1) pills - with combination of hormones (not suitable 4 BF) n 2 b taken 1 tablet per day;
2) IUD @ intrauterine device - no need surgery, juz place inside d uterus n effective 4 3 yrs;
3) injection - 1 injection 4 2-3 months, but 4 precaution better take pills 1st coz some ppl hav allergic wit d pills;
4) condoms, diaphragm or vaginal cap;
5) rod implant - 2 place @ upper arm effective 4 3 yrs;
6) progestin pills - 1 tablet per day n safe 4 BF; n
7) ring - 2 place inside d vagina;
8) patches - 1 patch per week; n
9) natural - check monthly cycle.
4 me.. mayb later since my hubby was @ labuan. dr. felice also inform me 'bout PAP smear @ pap test. dis test shud b taken after 2 yrs of having sex @ married 2 find out wether we hav d virus dat cause cervical cancer or not. so i'll hav dis test later. hehe.. ppl interested 2 hav d vaccine 4 d virus can get it from dr. felice clinic 4 rm199 (3 injections, 2nd n 3rd injections after 3 n 6 months from d 1st injection). interested 2 hav dis vaccine.. mayb after my life get back on track la..
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10 months ago
try the natural way. we did it for two years after marriage and it worked alhamdulillah. and it's FREE. asalkan monthly cycle nya teratur. x ada side effect. hehe
ReplyDeleteya.. thinking dat way 2.. but will still b worrying incase d menstrual being late.. haha..