1) kambing akikah;
2) marhaban group;
3) invite frens ( via sms n facebook ) n family;
4) entrance deco ( nadira's pic in large frame );
5) bunga telur;
6) nadira's cot decoration;
7) dulang decoration;
8) scissors; n
9) kelapa tua.
also need 2 complete mine n nadira's accessories 4 d big day. my hubby wil b home on d 25th til 28th. yeah! now stil surveying bunga telur, which i had planned 2 hav teddy bear type. most shop in kl was out of stock of it. found 2 shop dat r selling it ( kdai bunga riben @ semua house is selling 4 rm1.50 each - but currently out of stock, i'm following up with them n 1 shop is selling 4 rm2 each - but only hav purple color ). o ya.. d event's theme color r pink n purple. i'd also design an invitation card 2 b post in facebook.

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