can't wait 4 nadira's 3 months old (on d 23rd). while on d 25th we r going 2 held nadira's event,
cukur jambul n akikah. now bz planning it, juz a small simple ceremony. will attend by families, neighbours n close frens.
pening jg design 4 nadira's cot decoration. if over decorate
membazir plak. mm.. need 2 design d decoration as d they can b reusable.
bkn kedekut, tp byk brg2 masa kwin x pkai pun until 2day.
syg la.. ribbons, satin n organza cloth. 1 2 use my wedding stuff? not suitable since they'r 4 gold theme event. still got time 2 b prepared..
dis ceremony kind of celebrating 4 events. hehe;P. 23rd- nadira's 3 months old, 25th-nadira's
cukur jambul n akikah ceremony, 27th-my wedding's 1st anniversary n 28th-my birthday. really can't wait;). but d ceremony of course will b done as nadira's event
kmi org tua celebrate
diam2 jak. hehe..
i've taken few pics of nadira @ d end of last november around subuh time as i remembered. after being fed, nadira went back 2 sleep again. n dis r my fav pics:

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