yes.. it's a new year 2day.. i'm glad how time flies with d most happy moments. being a wife, got stable job, got pregnant, nadira's birth, got lantikan tetap from spp. kind of doing great ;). but still lack of savings.. hehe.. coz do a lot of shopping 4 nadira's stuff. really excited 2 hav her in my life. relationship with hubby also getting stronger n lots of luv. blooming day by day as it's almost 1 year of marriage (27th dec).
starting 2day, 18th dec 2009 ( 1 muharram 1431H ) n for next yr, 1st jan 2010, i'm promising myself 2 do d fullest 4 my family. must gain lots of confidence 2 b d best wife, mom, daughter n teacher as i can.
really 1 2 accomplish few things dis coming new yr..
1) do savings ;
2) full breastfeeding 4 nadira ( at least 6 months - end of march 2010 );
3) confirmation 4 being a teacher ( pengesahan jawatan ) n get salary raise. yeah! ;
4) transfer 2 labuan..? dunno yet coz my husband's workplace ( pml ) is going 2 closedown in 2 years time.. my sis-in-law advice not 2 transfer n juz stay in kk. still hav 2 think about dis ;
5) raya with my hubby's family @ semporna ( will do lots of shopping @ tawau - tudung n other indonesian's cheap stuff. hehe;)) ;
6) going 2 penang.. i miz dis place a lot esp d food ;P ;
7) visit 2 langkawi ;
8) jakarta n bandung shopping? mm.. will c if d condition allows.. money, time n safety ; n also
9) plans 4 nadira's 1st birthday.. haha.. really can't wait!
there'll b other stuff i think need 2 b accomplish later. juz pray dat my little family will b happy, healthy n really murah rezeki.. amin.. will do lots of sedekah.. smile, money, help others. d most important thing, sincere in everything i do n lots of patience.
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago
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