ya.. yesterday was nadira is 3 months old. n she's a good girl d whole day. cried for hungry, sleepy n needs 2 change her diaper only. usually ada mengamuk, x ngam mood kali aa.. hehe.. n we went 2 kkia, 4 nadira monthly clinic appointment. she got immunization shot again. n as usual will cried loudly after being injected. nadira's growth :
weight : 4.69 kg
length : 58cm
mm.. mayb her growth was kind of slow since i'm training her 2 bottle feeding in dis 2 weeks. well.. she is trying 2 adapt. also b'coz for my breast pump session, n also d decreasing of my breast milk last few days back. but since yesterday, nadira's breast feeding n pump session work quite well. juz need 2 relax a bit, n drink lots n lots of water. but still thinking 2 get d hormone supplement. d school days is coming, will b tiring n have lots of work loads, so need 2 hav emergency plans so dat my breast will keep on producing enough milk 4 nadira ;))..
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago
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