dis week, i'm training nadira 2 b fed from d bottle. pump d breast n store them in bottle storage ( juz have 12 of them, need 2 buy some more since need 2 prepare extra during school days ). put d pumped breast milk @ d fridge, top rack. these will last 4 3 days. so i got d storage bottle labeled.
nadira cries every time i feed her. sumtimes my sis also helps 2. need 2 person 2 feed her so that she dun cry, 1 person 2 feed her n 1 person 2 entertain her by singing. hehe.. hopefully she'll adapt with d bottle feeding b4 d school days start.
really hope i can feed nadira with breast milk at least when she's 6 months old. amin.. dat means until end of march 2010. so dat, d price of my breast pump will b equal or less than d price from d 6 months of formula milk feeding. yeah!;))
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago
benar kah dah kira macam tu? I did once ask myself how many months should I continue breasfeed if I want to make all the breast pump stuffs worth it. hehe. Tapi actually lebih dari tu, breastmilk leih banyak benefit yg x boleh diganti dgn formula atau susu apa pun. betul x.
ReplyDeleteanyway, alhamdulillah kalu nadira dah start nak minum kat botol. Noe ada around ker masa tu? you should be away. not only away from her sight and hearing, sbb she can smell 'susu' yang sebenar ada, that's why most babies mengamuk / merajuk.
oh ya, apa email address? dn ada article pasal breastfeeding nak kongsi.
haha.. bottle feeding by myself. tu la nadira nangis je. tpksa.. tiada org mo jaga dona. my mom bz @ kitchen. mm.. buka skool nnti mayb ntar nursery la ni. maid x dtg2 lg. email : rina_r_prinze@yahoo.com