alhamdulillah..dis week things gone smoothly, although a bit stress (training nadira 2 b fed from d bottle, preparing 4 d kenduri event ). now she's able 2 suck teats from d bottle. but sadly, since yesterday, 19th dec, up until now, my breast milk had been decreased. only 1-2 ounce per pump session ( both breast ). today i've 2 mix nadira's feeding with formula milk, but she only able 2 drink 0.5-1 ounce per feeding ( only twice for today ).
i've drink a lot of water, milk n soup 2day, but seems like my breast still not producing more milk as usual. usually i can pump 2.5 - 5 ounce per pump session. nadira's feeding 10-12 times per day. nadira's breast pump session / feeding :
1) 5 or 6 am ;
2) 8 or 9 am ;
3) 11 am ;
4) 1 or 2 pm ;
5) 4 pm ;
6) 6 pm ;
7) 8 or 9 pm ;
8) 11 pm ;
9) 1 or 2 am ; n
10) 3 am.
about teats, i've found dat :
1) pigeon got 3 types of teats ( Small, Medium n Large ). nadira had tried all of d
type but only type L she 1 2 suck bcoz it's more soft n gentle than d others. but d L type has largest hole n will make d milk flow fast 4 each sucking ;
2) tommee tippee closer to nature silicone teats r unique 4 their design, but d Slow Flow Teat ( 0M+ ) type is not dat soft. nadira refused 2 suck it. tommee tippee got 4 types of teats, Slow, Medium, Fast n Variflow. nadira also had tried tommee tippee closer to nature silicone soothers ( 3-6M + ), n it also not soft 2 suck. mayb nadira dun like d hard stuff. hehe..
3) lastly, nadira had tried Dr. Brown's natural flow teat, n she able 2 suck it. finally.. dis teat is soft n gentle 2 suck with natural breast milk flow sucking. nadira was comfortable sucking it as mimics d natural breastfeeding action. dis brand has 5 types of teats, Preemie, Level 1 ( for NB ), Level 2 ( for 3M+ ), Level 3 ( for 6M+ ) n Level 4 ( faster flow for thicker liquids ).
during dis few 3 days i've also tried making nadira awake during day time ( playing with her n bring her touring d house.. hehe.. ) n she sleep from evening til nite time. sometimes 4pm-12am, 6pm-11pm, 5pm-10pm, which made her sleep directly for 5-6 hrs. usually d longest she can sleep directly is only 4 hrs. later next week or b4 d school starts, i'll train her 2 sleep longer. i really need my nap time during school days since it was tiring @ school.
mm.. really need 2 do sumthing about my breast milk. need 2 produce lots of it.:|
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago
Salam, Noe pam malam jugak ker? pam siang jer untuk practice. malam x payah. Kalau kita pam exclusively mmg susu boleh jadi kurang.
ReplyDeleteskrg ni masih normal kalau Nadira minum setiap 2-3 jam.Dia besar sikit nanti perut dia boleh tahan x minum dlm masa yg lama.(Teorinya la). Sbb Sheraz pun pattern minum susu dia lebih krg sama. Paling lama dia tahan sampai 4jam.