mm.. so tired.. finally d hockey training ended as it was d last day on 1st may 2010. it was Labour day, but i'm still working.. huhu... nvm.. as long as i did something good. hehe.. training d kids was tiring, but still excited as they're going to sandakan for d state hockey championship. hope they did well there!
i just got d time to had my facial treatment dis afternoon, but also rushing to fetch nadira b4 3pm as her nanny is going out. only little sunburn left on my cheeks. hopefully they heal soon ;)).
got my period last wednesday after 7 months n 5 days of nadira's birth. few of my cholics had their period after just 1-3 months. n my period only last for 3 days. felt awkward, since my former period last to 5-8 days.
as for nadira, she begun moving forward with her walker. n she will cry if there's no 1 watching beside her. so i had to entertain her all the time except during her sleep.. huh..very 'manja'.. beloved grandchild in d family ;P
haha.. that was summary of my recent activities n nadira's update. dis week bz wit updating d pupils' info, then next week had to prepare d exam question papers, as d sem 1 exam will starts on 18th may. n after dat, end of d month will go to labuan again. 2 weeks stay dis time. need to have a long break. but, can i? need 2 take care nadira, with no help from my family. hubby? huhu.. bz with his game playing. mm.. nadira, cepatla besar. mama tiada kawan mau kemas2, jln2 shopping;P
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago
nduu bah sabar ja la na a..