yes.. nadira's starting to imitate people waving.. n she likes to make funny faces too.. n also more manja. now she's 7 months n 3 wks. can't wait to see more about her to come;P.. tooth? not yet. but she likes eating banana n papaya. she'll make happy face when eating them..
my hubby will b back to kk on d 3rd. then we drive to labuan on d 6th. then me n nadira will b back to kk on d 14th by flight. hopefully d car dealing will run smoothly.. yes.. we getting a new car.. it's a recon toyota wish. 1 wish from my wish list is going to be happen. yeah! next? most probably getting a house.. still surveying d location n price. really 1 2 hav a terrace house, end or intermediate unit.
i'm not feeling well dis few days. having flu, sore throat, headache n also coughing.. huhu.. felt so uncomfortable.. hopefully to get well very soon.. really dun 1 nadira to b affected with me. i rather sick than having her sick.
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago of ur wishes come true..psl gg c nadira tu ndapaa lambat tumbuh lambat buruk keh keh keh.. :)