mm.. wanna share nadira's latest pics.. taken last friday. she really luvs to watch cartoons, tv commercials, everything with children voice n sound of music.. hehe.. example - tv3 commercials. n sometimes she'll sing-a-long too..
n through d school break, manage to online window shopping. n guess wat, i bought 2 garments for nadira. 1 carter's jumpsuit with footie, n 1 romper dress also from carter's. n also booked 3 more jumpsuits with footie, as 2 bought for nadira n 1 is for my fren's boy, aiman. wonder if he fits it, as he's a chubby 7 month old baby boy. hehe..
been searching 4 things to buy for dis coming raya n soon labuan life. confirm i'm transfering.. hopefully i will.. searching n surveying for my raya shawls, nadira's dress n shoes, corelle dish set, tupperware items, n also iphone 4. yes.. i can't hardly wait to have 1. maxis said they'll have it in september. but i'm dying like.. NOW.. to have 1. mm.. seems like have to wait..
off to take my shower.. will have a long bz nite 2nite, need 2 complete my lesson plan for d whole june classes. i've been skipping it since early june due to my busyness for teacher day celebration, exam week... bla2.. hehe..
selamat kembali ke sekolah cikgu :) kalu jadi transfer g Labuan..ada lah alasan aku p Lbn secara kerap hehehe