back to stuff i like..luv branded stuff.. i want high quality stuff so that they'll last longer. it began during my form 4 yr.. got rm200 after achieving 4a's in pmr. hehe.. then i bought a cd player. brand? didn't remember. actually i wanted 2 buy a sony cd player, which cost rm400. but my parents said NO. n guess wat.. juz after 2 months, d player broke down. had 2 repair it 2 times. now my lil' bro is using it. moral of d story 4 me.. quality comes 1st, no matter how d price cost. from dat, i always wanted high quality stuff. although it'll cost more, as long as it'll last longer n will made me satisfied.
show-off? mayb 4 some ppl.. but 4 me it's a return gift after working so hard as a teacher, wife n mom.. hehe.. sometimes need 2 pamper myself.. hehe..
luv bling2 stuff too.. but dis refer to my mood.. usually as having swarovski beads on my tudung, colourful beads sew to my baju kurung/kebaya. also got bling2 on my watch n engagement ring for d moment.. hehe..
mm.. mayb i shud have a pendant 4 dis coming raya.. but didn't know yet will i have time 4 shopping? huhu..
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago
yesza..yang penting ukur baju d badan sendiri..dan HARUS rewarding/pampering diri sendiri..bukan selalu pun kan.penat2 cari duit sesekali apa salahnya.hmm sifat menunjuk2 tu minta-minta d jauhkan dari kita aamiiin..sebab ada orang suka makai branded pastu kutuk barang orang nda ori lah bla bla...biarlah bah kan orang dengan kemampuan drg kan..yg penting diri sendiri :)