good news.. juz on friday i found out dat nadira had her 6th teeth. hehe.. and she bite quite rough now. esp during BF.. huhu.. hurts me on d nipple..
oo ya.. stuff i like.. suddenly i looked around d room n thinking d stuff i like since i'm starting to pack some stuff (for labuan) n actively will do d packing during fasting month. n then got d idea to blogging.. hehe..
again.. stuff i like.. my handbags (luv all of my 4 guess handbags - 2 blacks, gold n cream ). 1 of them starts to tear @ d exterior (d d cream 1).. so need to buy 1 more.. haha.. more shopping?;P mayb.. luv white colour things too.. mm.. 4 now i hav macbook laptop (white), bed set( all white - bed, wardrobes, chest drawers, chest drawer with mirror, nadira's cot ), toyota wish mpv (white), and in d future will have my own house with d interior in white.. hehe..
o ya.. cute stuff esp in pink colour too.. as totes (i have 2 large pink totes), pencil case, small coin purse, handphone cover, shawls n 'tudung', n also most of d clothes in my wardrobe. almost pink. hehe..
meaning dat i luv simple n cute stuff.. n now 'pinkish' nadira in d making ;P..
p/s-sometimes i like bling2 stuff too..
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago